I'm sorry for not posting since like two weeks, but nothing's actually happening…
We got a kitten, her name is Rey and she's literally crazy. She's running around and she's loud and sometimes she's annoying but cute tho, she's sleeping on my chest and stuff. I love her, even though I hate cats. The grandparents of my host siblings got puppies, they're almost as cute as our kitten.
On the weekends we're just hanging around and watching scary movies and stuff and during the week we're obviously going to school, doing homework and studying for tests, tomorrow the first quarter is already done.
Yesterday after practice we went to Jack in the box and Sonic's after school, we got food and drinks and after that we went "off road"because she has a truck, means we went over a dirt road, like there were holes in the floor and stuff and it was pretty scary, but fun tho.
It's getting pretty chilly here, every morning is colder than the last one and the nights are freezing. Still feeling like I'm not making any progress in my English skills *sad face*.
Okay now everyone who's trying to text me on WhatsApp, listen up:
my phone basically hates me, I can't update anything in my AppStore, that means my WhatsApp doesn't work. Everyone who has an iPhone can text me on iMessage (Messenger) for free, like you don't have to pay anything if its not an SMS, my Facebook Messenger, my Instagram, Skype or Snapchat.
I'm really sorry, it's not working since like almost two weeks, so I'm not trying to ignore anyone or something like that, it just doesn't work, I can not get into the App. I'm trying really hard to work on it, lol I just suck haha.
The Homecoming dance was so much fun btw.

Okay I have no idea what to write because there's nothing special happening, sorry for this lame update…
I hope you guys are doing good over there, can't wait to see you again