Its been a while since the last update I guess, like exactly a month. I just needed a break, I went home to Switzerland (you're actually not supposed to go back during your year abroad with EF, I had some private issues). The flight was kind of long, but it was fine.
The past week was hard because I had to get used to the time difference and to school, have to make up a lot of work and just get into it again. Its also way warmer here than back home, its between 15 and 20 degrees Celcius every single day, two weeks ago there was still snow and now we're going to school in t-shirts and some people even wear shorts. So I left all my winter clothes at home.

The weekend we watched the super bowl. That's like the final game of this year's football season in the United States. It was the New England Patriots against Atlanta's Falcons.
We went to some friend's house and watched it there and ate lots of food.
This week we're having spirit week at my high school, which means we have a new topic every day and we all dress the same. Its almost like homecoming week. On saturday there's a dance called Sadie Hawkins.
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I asked my best American guy friend to go to Sadies with me. Its a dance where the girl picks a guy and then you wear matching shirts. I think it will be fun. Prom is coming up too, so we're already looking for dresses.
The following week, Selina is gonna come here again because we're having a four day weekend and a few days after there's the Las Vegas/Grand Canyon trip.